Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Logic of Green

Marc and I ventured out into the bitter cold (9 degrees) this afternoon to check out a fairly new store in Old Town called Green Logic. They sell eco-friendly goods of all kinds - from recycled glass tumblers ($20 each) and earth friendly clothing (some pretty chic looking things beyond your basic hemp t-shirt) to organic cotton bedding and bamboo picnic plates and cutlery. I made mental note of the stacks of biodegradable, corn-based cups that will be the perfect eco-option for our summer parties!

They even had a display featuring a partner company who sells green home building supplies - recycled demin insulation, sorghum wood panels and bamboo flooring.

I was particularly excited to see my favorite eco brand of the moment, Bamboosa, available at Green Logic. I love the silky fiber shirts for myself, but the BambooBaby items are my baby shower gifts of choice for friends across the country. Good to know I can save the cost of shipping (and all those packing supplies) by buying it locally instead of online.

You've probably noticed I've mentioned bamboo more than once here ... that's because:
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world - growing as fast as 47.6 inches in a 24-hour period. It tolerates extremes of drought and drowning, generates more oxygen than trees and is considered a critical element in the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In other words - it's a great earth-friendly option for everything from plates to baby underwear.

I didn't buy anything at the store today ... but I plan on visiting it again in the coming months (I hope it's still open by then). As we were leaving, Marc said, "I'm being green by not consuming." Which I think sums up our trip out and about quite well.

Of course ... we stopped by Starbucks for a non-fat, sugar-free cinnamon dolce latte on the way home.

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