The average adult uses nine personal care products every day, typically containing more than 100 unique chemical ingredients. A survey called Skin Deep, done in June 2004 by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) —a leader in the drive to detox personal care products—found that:
- 89 percent of the 10,500 ingredients used in face and body products have not been evaluated for safety by either the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or cosmetics manufacturers;
- one out of every 120 products contains known or probable carcinogens.
The EWG’s Skin Deep survey found that dozens of products—including hair dyes, tanning lotions, nail polish, the works—contain chemicals that are known or suspected to cause cancer or birth defects, or affect hormone function.
So what's a girl to do?
I'm no different than the average woman. Let me count the products: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, body lotion, face moisturizer, face wash, deoderant, foundation, blush, mascara, eye shadow, lip balm and/or gloss, hair gel, styling pomade, toothpaste, saline solution ... and if I hit the gym at lunch this ionized water stuff scented with "pure essential oils." That's 18 products on the average day! Oh, and nail polish. I'm so ashamed ...
I've made the switch to natural shower items and body lotion, but pretty much all my face and hair styling stuff is from Aveda. Which, compared to some of the other conventional brands isn't quite so bad (rated Moderate Concern by Skin Deep) ... but it's got its share of nasty toxic stuff. Although I should note that there are a number "low concern" ratings for some of my Aveda favs, including Rosemary Mint shampoo.
What got me to thinking about all this was the 2 hours I just spent at my local Aveda salon getting highlights and lowlights put in my hair. As I inhaled the burning fumes of chemicals being layered into my scalp I wondered ... am I reversing all the good things organic foods do for my body by dousing myself in color-coated beauty? So, I checked out the Skin Deep rating on hair color. While it's not exactly "natural" Aveda hair color treatments are #9 on the list with a Moderate Ranking, compared to the High Ranking of my previous box treatment by L'Oreal. Yet another fine excuse for spening $100 on highlights at the salon.
Check out Skin Deep and take a toxic tour of your bathroom cabinet. Find out what's known about the potential health risks from the personal care products you use everyday and learn about safer options.
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