Monday, January 1, 2007

The journey begins

Don't call it a New Year's Resolution.

I've been thinking about going organic for a long time now ... I occasionally shop the organic items in the produce section, pick up organic ketchup and various other miscellaneous items along the way. But my cabinets still bear the weight of items with high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oil and a number of other toxic "food" additives. And don't even look under the kitchen sink at the array of toxic cleaning supplies I use around the house.

I work for a natural foods grocery store chain (which shall remain nameless for the time being, less you should I think I am tackling this project via blog for shameless corporate promotion), so I know why people should choose organic foods and natural products for body care, home cleaning and all that good stuff. Hell, I design entire marketing programs educating people about why they should Go Organic ... and yet, I have not made the commitment myself.

So, for the health of my family (it's just me and my husband of one year and our 7 year old golden retriever, Affrey for now), I figured January 1, 2007 seemed like as good a time as any to start my quest to Go Organic. And here I go ....

Go Organic task #1 ... clean out the cupboards.

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