Monday, January 28, 2008

Damn It Feels Good to Be a Recycla'

Aside from the fact that I was a woman about town in a gas-guzzling Xterra today, I feel pretty good on the eco-living homefront. I trucked my 5 gallon tub of low-grade paperboard (cereal, frozen food, silk, egg cartons), box of unwanted catalogs (which I hope will be declining soon, see recent post about canceling catalog mailings) and a couple of corrugated cardboard boxes to my local recycling center. While there, I noted a new container dedicated to office paper and junk mail. Made a note to start office recycling at aSQUARED Online Marketing, Inc.

Then I headed to Target to procure a couple of personal items and some first aid necessities for upcoming vaca. I handed the check out woman my hideously embarrassing old skool Wild Oats canvas bag and she enthusiastically thanked me for bringing in my own bag! I was shocked. Most of the time I get sideways glances from the checkers like I'm some sort of dirty hippie. Instead this woman went on to tell me about the friend who works at the landfill and how she was absolutely appalled at all the plastic bags that get thrown away (about 100 billion annually in the US of A alone). She even went so far as to tell me all about the reusable bags Target was selling for $1.49.

Yeah for consumer awareness. Now - get your own bag!

EcoBag String Bag - great for produce. $10 each

Recyled SailCloth Bags from VivaTerra - $98
(but you'll want to carry it ALL the time)

Fun Tote - Cotton Canvas Tote from Elsewheres
created by independet artists. $32

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