Friday, December 28, 2007

Better Tasting Through Food Science?

It's official: Food manufacturers will put HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) in ANYTHING!

Planning to make baked brie stuffed with brown sugar and dried cherries for a holiday gathering last weekend (thanks to Dell Rae for the recipe suggestion), I bought a box of "Pitted Tart Cherries" from the Sunflower Market bulk department. Much to my surprise, I noticed an ingredient list on the box when I got home that read as follows:

INGREDIENTS: red sour cherries, high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar, sunflower oil.

Why the hell are we adding sugar to cherries that are supposed to be TART! Does Garvey Nut and Candy (the makers of this product) actually think we can't handle the inherent tartness of a tart cherry? Isn't that the reason we buy tart cherries ... to get the tartness?

Never mind that these cherries were plump, chewy and displayed an almost juicy texture you never find in dried fruit ... or the fact that Marc and I consumed nearly the whole box last night with cereal (I didn't end up making the brie as my parent's dining table was already overflowing with 7-layer dip, pickle roll ups, Aunt Tish's famous dill dip and other classic holiday delacies).

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