Wednesday, November 7, 2007

NBC Makes It Easy To Go Green

Or, at least that's what they're trying to do this week during "Green Week."

Matt, Anne and Al from The Today Show spent yesterday at the "ends of the earth" telling stories of penguins, polar bears and melting ice caps. Nothing we haven't heard before, but I suppose the target audience was a bit different and it's always good to create awareness outside of the tree hugger set. Moms control their households and would be the ones to actually make a change for reducing carbon emissions. also changed the color palette on their site to green tones. Now that's eco!

NBC even turned The Biggest Loser "green" last night. I'll admit it, this is a guilty pleasure of mine and with Tivo on my side, I really enjoy the hour I spend with the TBL contestants and trainers while sitting on my couch. I even caught Marc getting interested one night.

Back to the "green" show .... Instead of the typical Top 5 Trainer Tips before commercial break, the trainers shared ways to be more eco-friendly: recycling cans and paper, unplugging computers and video games ... basic stuff, nothing out of the ordinary but that's good, too. There are a lot of beginners out there.

There was also a banner on the bottom of the screen with tips - although I only saw this one: "Eat Vegetarian Once a Week. It will save water and energy." Nice!

At dinner one night (on the show), Jillian (one of the trainers) gave her team a talkin' to about the importance of eating organically and choosing foods from local farmers markets. She was obviously passionate about the topic and hit all the right points about transportation issues, fuel costs and she even spoke to how organic food is better for your body (wow!) and the earth. Overall, it was so great to see her bringing that to everyone's attention.

Where I get a bug in my pants is that you hear Jillian saying, "see everyone, it's important that we live as eco-friendly as possible" and you see Jillian sitting at the dining table (at their house, mind you) with her team and everyone is eating with plastic forks and drinking from those red plastic keg cups.

This is a prime example of how hypocritical this whole mainstream "green" movement is. They focus on one thing - organic food and then eat it with disposable, petroleum-based products. It doesn't make any sense! Why would you think it's ok to eat with throw-away items at you're own house??

One more stupid thing NBC tried to pull: There was a promo for some thing the Heroes cast was doing to plant a tree and "save the world." They showed a person from the cast watering the newly planted tree with the water left in his PLASTIC WATER BOTTLE. When will people get it?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Have you seen the "green" America's Top Model this time around? It's tres ridiculous. but they are making them all quit smoking. one of the photo shoots was all about recycling and what not. one girl posed with recycled garbage bags - hundreds of them. which i'm sure were just thrown away afterward b/c they were all messed up.