Friday, July 13, 2007

Don't Call Me a Martyr

But I sure do make some sacrifices for my new green life.

You might remember how I gave up my beautiful Saturday for the plumber to come fix our leaky shower. And it wasn't even MY shower that was dripping.

Today, I opted out of a free trip to Chicago for a conference on how to better utilize our online sale flyer. My reasons for RSVP-ing "no" include (in order of importance):

1. I was going to be getting on a massive United jet twice in just two days - making the carbon pollution from taking a plane seem absolutely ridiculous. And I don't think Wild Oats reimburses for carbon off-setting purchases.

2. The conference seemed kind of like a waste of time - what with less than a full day of events.

3. Chicago in August?

4. I'm probably not even going to be employed here in August.

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