Wednesday, April 2, 2008

One man's trash ...

Is a treasure for my garden!

The Larimer County Recycling Center is turning out to be a fine resource for me! I made a quick dash down there this morning with a load of corrugated cardboard (the Tumbler had to be delivered in something) and the overflowing box of low-grade paperboard. As I was dumping the catalogs into the "newspapers plus" dumpster, I noticed that someone had put several thousand fresh, never been opened copies of The Voice and some other Weld County penny-saver type of publication.

I looked around to make sure no one was watching and I grabbed a stack of the papers and put them into my box. I hurried back to the Xterra, smiling to myself at what a score I just made.

These discarded papers will make a fine organic weed barrier in my new bean/squash garden so I won't have to resort to plastic or toxic weed killers.


Crafty Green Poet said...

It's amazing what people throw out sometimes! We've rescued some great things!

ONNO said...

My dad always used to bring home 'treasures' from the dump, finds that he would discover, such as fire irons, furniture, art. It's amazing what people throw away.

Dagny McKinley
organic apparel